Tree Care News
Trees and Turf
This article discusses how the needs of trees & turf can often times be at odds with each other. However, with careful planning and informed maintenance, it is possible to have both healthy trees and healthy turf on your property!
Developing and Maintaining Productive Residential Soils
When we see negative symptoms in a stressed tree, it is important to look at the soil first, as that is where many problems originate. Proper water management, avoiding soil compaction, and soil amendments can help enhance the soil on your property, making it more suitable for trees and plants alike.
The Wood Wide Web
The underground tree is linked with surrounding trees by mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza is a mutually-beneficial relationship through which a fungus linked to a tree’s roots forages for nutrients for its host in return for some of the food the tree manufactures. This article details how sophisticated this connection can become between trees.
Ambrosia Beetle (PSHB) is Eating Southern California
This article details the complexity of the threat posed by the Polyphagus Shot Hole Borer. This beetle currently attacks 49 species, 19 of which are California natives. PSHB is not attracted by tree stress or poor tree health, and actually seems to go after the healthiest medium-to-large specimens. The PSHB is one of the greatest tree pest threats to Southern California.
Key Components in Healthy Soil
Arborists are taught to look not just at the visible portion of a tree, but to consider toe roots as well. Soil is the medium for tree growth, storing organic matter and habitat for soil organisms. The soil ecosystem is part of a nutrient cycle upon which we all depend.